We provide a list of references to the literature related to tensor cross interpolation and quantics tensor networks.
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Tensor cross interpolation approach for quantum impurity problems based on the weak-coupling expansion
Shuta Matsuura, Hiroshi Shinaoka, Philipp Werner, Naoto Tsuji
We apply the tensor cross interpolation (TCI) algorithm to solve equilibrium quantum impurity problems with high precision based on the weak-coupling expansion. The TCI algorithm enables efficient evaluation of higher-order terms in perturbative expansions by factorizing high-dimensional integrals into low-dimensional ones. -
High-resolution nonequilibrium GW calculations based on quantics tensor trains
Maksymilian Środa, Ken Inayoshi, Hiroshi Shinaoka, Philipp Werner
This paper demonstrates nonequilibrium GW simulations with high momentum resolution using quantics tensor train (QTT) representation, enabling the study of thermalization dynamics and transient Floquet physics during multi-cycle electric field pulses. -
Learning low-rank tensor train representations: new algorithms and libraries
Yuriel Núñez Fernández, Marc K. Ritter, Matthieu Jeannin, Jheng-Wei Li, Thomas Kloss, Thibaud Louvet, Satoshi Terasaki, Olivier Parcollet, Jan von Delft, Hiroshi Shinaoka, and Xavier Waintal
This paper provides a pedagogical introduction to tensor network methods, which includes an overview of the existing literature and also new algorithms. -
Learning parameter dependence for Fourier-based option pricing with tensor trains
Rihito Sakurai, Haruto Takahashi, Koichi Miyamoto
This paper discusses applications of Tensor Cross Interpolation (TCI) to financial problems, such as Fourier-based option pricing. -
Learning tensor trains from noisy functions with application to quantum simulation
Kohtaroh Sakaue, Hiroshi Shinaoka, Rihito Sakurai
TCI-based approaches for learning tensor trains from noisy functions, with applications to quantum simulation. -
Low-rank quantics tensor train representations of Feynman diagrams for multiorbital electron-phonon models
Hirone Ishida, Natsuki Okada, Shintaro Hoshino, Hiroshi Shinaoka
Applications of Quantics Tensor Cross Interpolaiton (QTCI) to multiorbital electron-phonon impurity models. -
Compactness of quantics tensor train representations of local imaginary-time propagators Haruto Takahashi, Rihito Sakurai, Hiroshi Shinaoka
Numerical invetigation of compactness of QTT representations of local imaginary-time propagators, showing the saturation of the bond dimension at low temperature. -
Multiscale interpolative construction of quantized tensor trains
Michael Lindsey
This paper introduces a multiscale polynomial interpolation method for constructing qunatics/quantized tensor trains. -
A Tensor Train Continuous Time Solver for Quantum Impurity Models
A. Erpenbeck, W.-T. Lin, T. Blommel, L. Zhang, S. Iskakov, L. Bernheimer, Y. Núñez-Fernández, G. Cohen, O. Parcollet, X. Waintal, E. Gull
Phys. Rev. B 107, 245135 (2023)
Applications of TCI to the single-impurity Anderson model at equilibrium by calculating the systematic expansion in power of the hybridization of the impurity with the bath. -
Quantics Tensor Cross Interpolation for High-Resolution Parsimonious Representations of Multivariate Functions
Marc K. Ritter, Yuriel Núñez Fernández, Markus Wallerberger, Jan von Delft, Hiroshi Shinaoka, and Xavier Waintal
Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 056501 (2024)
This paper introduces quantics tensor cross interpolation (QTCI) for high-resolution parsimonious representations of multivariate functions. -
Multiscale Space-Time Ansatz for Correlation Functions of Quantum Systems Based on Quantics Tensor Trains
Hiroshi Shinaoka, Markus Wallerberger, Yuta Murakami, Kosuke Nogaki, Rihito Sakurai, Philipp Werner, and Anna Kauch
Phys. Rev. X 13, 021015 (2023)
This paper discusses compressing correlation functions of quantum systems using quantics tensor trains on a multiscale space-time ansatz. -
Quantum Fourier Transform Has Small Entanglement
Jielun Chen, E.M. Stoudenmire, Steven R. White
PRX Quantum 4, 040318 (2023)
This paper reveals the low-entanglement structure of the quantum Fourier transform. -
Learning Feynman Diagrams with Tensor Trains
Yuriel Núñez Fernández, Matthieu Jeannin, Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Thomas Kloss, Jason Kaye, Olivier Parcollet, and Xavier Waintal
Phys. Rev. X 12, 041018 (2022)
This paper introduces Tensor Cross Interpolation (TCI) for learning Feynman diagrams.