
This is the documentation for TensorCrossInterpolation.

With the user manual and usage examples below, users should be able to use this library as a "black box" in most cases. Detailed documentation of (almost) all methods can be found in the Documentation section, and Implementation contains a detailed explanation of this implementation of TCI.

Interpolating functions

The most convenient way to create a TCI is crossinterpolate2. For example, consider the lorentzian in 5 dimensions, i.e. $f(\mathbf v) = 1/(1 + \mathbf v^2)$ on a mesh $\mathbf{v} \in \{1, 2, ..., 10\}^5$. $f$ can be interpolated as follows:

import TensorCrossInterpolation as TCI
f(v) = 1/(1 + v' * v)
localdims = fill(10, 5)    # There are 5 tensor indices, each with values 1...10
tolerance = 1e-8
tci, ranks, errors = TCI.crossinterpolate2(Float64, f, localdims; tolerance=tolerance)
TensorCrossInterpolation.TensorCI2{Float64} with rank 11

Note that the return type of f has to be stated explicitly; inferring it automatically is too error-prone.

To evaluate the TCI approximation, simply call it the same way as the original function. For example, to evaluate it at $(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)^T$, use:

println("Original function: $(f([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))")
println("TCI approximation: $(tci([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]))")
Original function: 0.017857142857142856
TCI approximation: 0.017857142857142853

For easy integration into tensor network algorithms, the tensor train can be converted to ITensors MPS format. If you're using julia version 1.9 or later, an extension is automatically loaded if both TensorCrossInterpolation.jl and ITensors.jl are present. For older versions of julia, use the package using TCIITensorConversion.jl.

Sums and Integrals

Tensor trains are a way to efficiently obtain sums over all lattice sites, since this sum can be factorized:

allindices = [getindex.(Ref(i), 1:5) for i in CartesianIndices(Tuple(localdims))]
sumorig = sum(f.(allindices))
println("Sum of original function: $sumorig")

sumtt = sum(tci)
println("Sum of tensor train: $sumtt")
Sum of original function: 629.0966857809619
Sum of tensor train: 629.0966829751853

For further information, see sum.

This factorized sum can be used for efficient evaluation of high-dimensional integrals. This is implemented with Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rules in integrate. For example, the integral

\[I = 10^3 \int\limits_{[-1, +1]^{10}} d^{10} \vec{x} \, \cos\!\left(10 \textstyle\sum_{n=1}^{10} x_n^2 \right) \exp\!\left[-10^{-3}\left(\textstyle\sum_{n=1}^{10} x_n\right)^4\right]\]

is evaluated by the following code:

function f(x)
    return 1e3 * cos(10 * sum(x .^ 2)) * exp(-sum(x)^4 / 1e3)
I = TCI.integrate(Float64, f, fill(-1.0, 10), fill(+1.0, 10); GKorder=15, tolerance=1e-8)
println("GK15 integral value: $I")
GK15 integral value: -5.496232627515932

The argument GKorder controls the Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rule used for the integration, and tolerance controls the tolerance in the TCI approximation, which is distinct from the tolerance in the integral. For complicated functions, it is recommended to integrate using two different GK rules and to compare the results to get a good estimate of the discretization error.

Properties of the TCI object

After running the code above, tci is a TensorCI2 object that can be interrogated for various properties. The most important ones are the rank (i.e. maximum bond dimension) and the link dimensions:

println("Maximum bond dimension / rank of tci: $(TCI.rank(tci))")
println("Bond dimensions along the links of tci: $(TCI.linkdims(tci))")
Maximum bond dimension / rank of tci: 11
Bond dimensions along the links of tci: [10, 11, 11, 10]

The latter can be plotted conveniently:

using Plots, LaTeXStrings
bondindices = 1:length(tci)-1
    min.(10 .^ bondindices, 10 .^ (length(tci) .- bondindices)),
    label="full rank")
plot!(bondindices, TCI.linkdims(tci), label="TCI compression")
Example block output

Other methods are documented in the Tensor cross interpolation (TCI) section of the documentation.

Checking convergence

The vectors ranks and errors contain the pivot errors reached for different maximum bond dimensions. They are intended for convergence checks. The last element of errors can be used to check whether the tolerance was met within the maximum number of iterations:

println("Error in last iteration was: $(last(errors))")
println("Is this below tolerance? $(last(errors) < tolerance)")
Error in last iteration was: 1.9111313748018586e-9
Is this below tolerance? true

Plotting errors against ranks shows convergence behavior. In most cases, convergence will become exponential after some initial iterations. Furthermore, tci.pivoterrors[D] contains the error that a truncation to bond dimension D would incur. Plotting both, we see tha

plot(ranks, errors, yscale=:log10, seriestype=:scatter)
plot!(tci.pivoterrors / tci.maxsamplevalue, yscale=:log10)
ylims!(1e-10, 2)
Example block output

Note that the errors are normalized with tci.maxsamplevalue, i.e. the maximum function value that was encountered during construction of the tci. This behaviour can be disabled by passing normalizeerror=false to crossinterpolate2.

Optimizing the first pivot

Sometimes, the performance of TCI is suboptimal due to an unfortunate choice of first pivot. In most cases, it is sufficient to choose a first pivot close to structure, e.g. on a maximum of the function. Simply pass the first pivot as a parameter to crossinterpolate2:

firstpivot = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
tci, ranks, errors = TCI.crossinterpolate2(
    Float64, f, localdims, [firstpivot]; tolerance=tolerance

If this is not known (or you still have difficulties with bad convergence), the method optfirstpivot provides a simple algorithm to find a good first pivot.

firstpivot = optfirstpivot(f, localdims, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
tci, ranks, errors = TCI.crossinterpolate2(
    Float64, f, localdims, [firstpivot]; tolerance=tolerance

This algorithm optimizes the given index set (in this case [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) by searching for a maximum absolute value, alternating through the dimensions. If no starting point is given, [1, 1, ...] is used.

The main algorithm for adding new pivots in TCI2 is the 2-site algorithm, which is local. The 2-site algorithm alone may miss some regions with high interpolation error.

The current TCI2 implementation provides the combination of the 2-site algorithm and a global search algorithm to find such regions. This functionality is activated by default. In the function crossinterpolate2, we alternate between a 2-site-update sweep and a global pivot insertion. After a 2-site-update sweep, we search for index sets with high interpolation errors (> the given tolerance multiplied by the parameter tolmarginglobalsearch) and add them to the TCI2 object, and then we continue with a 2-site-update sweep.

The number of initial points used in one global search is controlled by the parameter nsearchglobalpivot. You may consider increasing this number if the global search is not effective (check the number of pivots found and timings of the global search by setting verbosity to a higher value!). The maximum number of global pivots inserted at once is controlled by the parameter maxnglobalpivot.

A rare failure case is that the global search find the index sets with high interpolation errors, but the 2-site algorithm fails to add these pivots into the TCI2 object. This will end up adding the same index sets in the next global search, leading to an endless loop.

Since most of the TCI update algorithms are local, the true interpolation error is not known. However, the error can be estimated by global searches. This is implemented in the function estimatetrueerror:

pivoterrors = TCI.estimatetrueerror(TCI.TensorTrain(tci), f)

This function approximately estimates the error that would be reached by repeating a greedy search from a random initial point. The result is a vector of a found indexset and the corresponding error, sorted by error. The error is the maximum absolute difference between the function and the TT approximation.


During constructing a TCI, the function to be interpolated can be evaluated for the same index set multiple times. If an evaluation of the function to be interpolated is costly, i.e., takes more than 100 ns, it may be beneficial to cache the results of function evaluations. CachedFunction{T} provides this functionality.

We can wrap your function as follows:

import TensorCrossInterpolation as TCI

# Local dimensions of TCI
localdims = [2, 2, 2, 2]

# Function to be interpolated. Evaluation take 2 seconds.
f(x) = (sleep(2); sum(x))

# Cached Function. `T` is the return type of the function.
cf = TCI.CachedFunction{Float64}(f, localdims)

# The first evaluation takes two seconds. The result will be cached.
x = [1, 1, 1, 1]
@time cf(x)

# Cached value is returned (Really quick!).
@time cf(x)

Batch Evalaution

By default, in TCI2, the function to be interpolated is evaluated for a single index at a time. However, there may be a need to parallelize the code by evaluating the function across multiple index sets concurrently using several CPU cores. This type of custom optimization can be achieved through batch evaluation.

To utilize this feature, your function must inherit from TCI.BatchEvaluator{T} and supports two additional types of function calls for evaluating $\mathrm{T}$ (one local index) and $\Pi$ tensors (two local indices):

import TensorCrossInterpolation as TCI
import TensorCrossInterpolation: MultiIndex

struct TestFunction{T} <: TCI.BatchEvaluator{T}
    function TestFunction{T}(localdims) where {T}

# Evaluation for a single index set
function (obj::TestFunction{T})(indexset::MultiIndex)::T where {T}
    return sum(indexset)

# Evaluaiton of a T tensor with one local index
function (obj::TestFunction{T})(leftindexset::Vector{MultiIndex}, rightindexset::Vector{MultiIndex}, ::Val{1})::Array{T,3} where {T}
    if length(leftindexset) * length(rightindexset) == 0
        return Array{T,3}(undef, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    nl = length(leftindexset[1])
    # This can be parallelized if you want
    result = [obj(vcat(l, s1, r)) for l in leftindexset, s1 in 1:obj.localdims[nl+1], r in rightindexset]
    return reshape(result, length(leftindexset), obj.localdims[nl+1], length(rightindexset))

# Evaluaiton of a Pi tensor with two local indices
function (obj::TestFunction{T})(leftindexset::Vector{MultiIndex}, rightindexset::Vector{MultiIndex}, ::Val{2})::Array{T,4} where {T}
    if length(leftindexset) * length(rightindexset) == 0
        return Array{T,4}(undef, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    nl = length(leftindexset[1])
    # This can be parallelized if you want
    result = [obj(vcat(l, s1, s2, r)) for l in leftindexset, s1 in 1:obj.localdims[nl+1], s2 in 1:obj.localdims[nl+2], r in rightindexset]
    return reshape(result, length(leftindexset), obj.localdims[nl+1:nl+2]..., length(rightindexset))

localdims = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
f = TestFunction{Float64}(localdims)

# Compute T tensor
    leftindexset = [[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [2, 1, 1]]
    rightindexset = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [1, 2]]

    # The returned object has shape of (3, 2, 3)
    @assert f(leftindexset, rightindexset, Val(1)) ≈ [sum(vcat(l, s1, r)) for l in leftindexset, s1 in 1:localdims[4], r in rightindexset]

# Compute Pi tensor
    leftindexset = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [2, 1]]
    rightindexset = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [1, 2]]

    # The returned object has shape of (3, 2, 2, 3)
    @assert f(leftindexset, rightindexset, Val(2)) ≈ [sum(vcat(l, s1, s2, r)) for l in leftindexset, s1 in 1:localdims[3], s2 in 1:localdims[4], r in rightindexset]

CachedFunction{T} can wrap a function inheriting from BatchEvaluator{T}. In such cases, CachedFunction{T} caches the results of batch evaluation.

Batch evaluation + parallelization

The batch evalution can be combined with parallelization using threads, MPI, etc. The following sample code use Threads to parallelize function evaluations. Note that the function evaluation for a single index set must be thread-safe.

We can run the code as (with 6 threads):

julia --project=@. -t 6 samplecode.jl
import TensorCrossInterpolation as TCI
import TensorCrossInterpolation: MultiIndex

struct TestFunction{T} <: TCI.BatchEvaluator{T}
    function TestFunction{T}(localdims) where {T}

# Evaluation for a single index set (takes 1 millisec)
function (obj::TestFunction{T})(indexset::MultiIndex)::T where {T}
    return sum(indexset)

# Batch evaluation (loop over all index sets)
function (obj::TestFunction{T})(leftindexset::Vector{Vector{Int}}, rightindexset::Vector{Vector{Int}}, ::Val{M})::Array{T,M + 2} where {T,M}
    if length(leftindexset) * length(rightindexset) == 0
        return Array{T,M+2}(undef, ntuple(i->0, M+2)...)

    nl = length(first(leftindexset))

    t = time_ns()
    cindexset = vec(collect(Iterators.product(ntuple(i->1:obj.localdims[nl+i], M)...)))
    elements = collect(Iterators.product(1:length(leftindexset), 1:length(cindexset), 1:length(rightindexset)))
    result = Array{T,3}(undef, length(leftindexset), length(cindexset), length(rightindexset))
    t2 = time_ns()

    Threads.@threads for indices in elements
        l, c, r = leftindexset[indices[1]], cindexset[indices[2]], rightindexset[indices[3]]
        result[indices...] = obj(vcat(l, c..., r))
    t3 = time_ns()
    println("Time: ", (t2-t)/1e9, " ", (t3-t2)/1e9)
    return reshape(result, length(leftindexset), obj.localdims[nl+1:nl+M]..., length(rightindexset))

L = 20
localdims = fill(2, L)
f = TestFunction{Float64}(localdims)

println("Number of threads: ", Threads.nthreads())

# Compute Pi tensor
nl = 10
nr = L - nl - 2

# 20 left index sets, 20 right index sets
leftindexset = [[rand(1:d) for d in localdims[1:nl]] for _ in 1:20]
rightindexset = [[rand(1:d) for d in localdims[nl+3:end]] for _ in 1:20]

f(leftindexset, rightindexset, Val(2))

for i in 1:4
    @time f(leftindexset, rightindexset, Val(2))

If your function is thread-safe, you can parallelize your function readily using ThreadedBatchEvaluator as follows (the internal implementation is identical to the sample code shown above):

import TensorCrossInterpolation as TCI

# Evaluation takes 1 millisecond, make sure the function is thread-safe.
function f(x)
    return sum(x)

L = 20
localdims = fill(2, L)
parf = TCI.ThreadedBatchEvaluator{Float64}(f, localdims)

println("Number of threads: ", Threads.nthreads())

# Compute Pi tensor
nl = 10
nr = L - nl - 2

# 20 left index sets, 20 right index sets
leftindexset = [[rand(1:d) for d in localdims[1:nl]] for _ in 1:20]
rightindexset = [[rand(1:d) for d in localdims[nl+3:end]] for _ in 1:20]

parf(leftindexset, rightindexset, Val(2))

for i in 1:4
    @time parf(leftindexset, rightindexset, Val(2))

You can simply pass the wrapped function parf to crossinterpolate2.